The Inspiring Story of Chief Mi’sel Joe and the Transformation of Miawpukuk First Nation

The Inspiring Story of Chief Mi’sel Joe and the Transformation of Miawpukuk First Nation

[EDIT] + ACC presents... Mi’sel Joe is the Chief of the Mi’kmaq community of Miawpukek First Nation. Growing up in the community, he left to journey throughout Canada on a mission to find work, when he was just 16 years old. He held several different positions such as ranch hand, railroad worker, truck driver, commercial fisherman and underground miner, before returning home in 1973 and becoming Chief in 1982. He has since led his community through isolation and poverty to prosperity, going from one of the poorest First Nation communities in Atlantic Canada, to now one of the most well-off. His many successes have led him to play a public role in helping people understand the practices of Mi’kmaq communities, and write his own novel on his inspiring story. He has been honoured for his accomplishments with multiple recognitions, including an Honorary Doctor of Laws by Memorial University in 2004, the Queen’s Jubilee medal in 2021 and the Order of Canada in 2018. He will talk about his journey to becoming Chief, how he has made history through leading his community, and the thriving Atlantic Canadian Mi’kmaq culture.

Watch complete film here.

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